Clay Stains: How to Get Clay, Red Clay and Modeling Clay Out of Clothes
Getting creative with ceramic clay or modeling clay sounds wonderful, but getting clay stains out of your clothes, not so much.
Read on to discover how to get different types of clay out of clothes.
Before you begin removing clay stains
Clay stains, especially red clay stains can look scary, but they’re definitely not impossible to remove. The main difficulty with clay is that it contains tiny, insoluble particles prone to get deep into the fabric, so you’ll definitely need some pre-treatment. For that, you’ll need a bucket or your sink, and let’s see what we can do.
How to get clay out of clothes
Follow this step-by-step guide, and be prepared for the toughest situations by knowing how to tackle the toughest clay stains:
How to get clay out of fabrics other than clothes
We all have fabrics or carpets that are either non-washable or can’t simply be put into the washing machine. If you’re dealing with a clay stain on those, here’s what you could do:
First, you should wait until the clay dries so it will come off easier. In case of rugs, you can even use a vacuum cleaner to make sure you get rid of as much dry clay as possible.
Then, use liquid detergent mixed with water as a solution to save your fabric from damage while making sure it gets a thorough clean.
Finally, use a steam cleaner and see if you’ve managed to get rid of the clay stain. If not, then repeat the process.
Handling clay stains with alternative methods
If you prefer trying alternative methods for clay stains, instead of a soaking solution you could try mixing a cup of white vinegar with three tablespoons of salt and putting it onto the stain for 30 minutes. When the time’s up, wash your garment as usual, and repeat the steps if the stain is not completely removed. However, it’s important to mention that baking soda and vinegar can potentially damage the fabric, so you’re probably safer with Tide.
FAQs on how to get clay out of clothes
Do red clay stains come out of clothes?
Yes, they do. The best red clay stain remover method is to leave the clay to dry, then brush it off.. Then use a soaking solution of laundry detergent mixed with water as pre-treatment before washing the garment as usual. If the stain is still there, repeat the process.
Do clay stains come out of clothes?
Absolutely. Wait for the clay to dry so it will come off the garment more easily. Then apply a soaking solution of laundry detergent mixed with water as pre-treatment before you wash your clothes as usual. If the stain persists even after washing, repeat the process.
How do you remove dried clay stains?
Removing dried clay stains is easier than you’d think. Since it’s already dry, there’s probably no excess to brush off, so you should go straight for pre-treating the garment in a solution of laundry detergent mixed with water. Finally, wash the garment as usual. Repeat the process if the stain is persistent.
How to remove modeling clay residue?
If it’s only residue, not a full clay stain, it will be easier to remove it. To be on the safe side, you could go for a soaking solution of laundry detergent mixed with water, then you should wash the garment as usual. If you still feel you haven’t solved the issue, repeat the process.