America’s #1 Trusted detergent*
Amazing Tide clean from America’s #1 detergent based on sales**
#1 recommended by washing machine manufacturers***
Part of the trusted Tide Plus Collection

Tide Plus Coldwater Clean offers 50% more energy savings
When switching loads from warm to cold
Tide Plus Coldwater Clean Liquid Laundry Detergent offers the brilliant clean you know and love, plus amazing color protection, even in cold water.
It’s specially formulated for cold water conditions, giving you brilliant color protections while using 50% less energy when you switch loads from warm to cold. Tide Plus Coldwater Clean is available in two formulas: one for use in regular machines, and one for use in high-efficiency machines.
*Consumers’ #1 Trusted laundry detergent brand in Reader’s Digest survey
**Nielsen Laundry Detergent - Total US x AOC - Vol. Sales latest 52 weeks /e 1/21/2017
***Based on co-marketing agreements
Measure with cap.
For medium loads, fill to bar 1.
For large Loads, fill to bar 3.
For HE full loads, fill to bar 5.
Always follow usage instructions indicated on the package.
Add clothes, pour into dispenser, start washer.
Usage Instructions:
Follow care label instructions, then sort.
Test inside seam for colorfastness.

Overall Review
I like the Coldwater Tide for HE but I am not able to find it. Where can I get this?
Really like the Coldwater product but our machine require HE. Lately unable to find product with HE stamp. May have to switch to Regular original HE. What happened to the HE Coldwater?
I used tide for years and always thought it was okay. However I recently discovered I had a terrible washing machine. For 5 years h was using tide in a washing machine that wasn’t actually cleaning my clothes. After switching to a new machine that actually does a good job, the detergent was able to clean the clothes leaving them smelling and looking fantastic. I see some bad reviews on here and I think the washing machine needs to be considered here. I would have given tide an average rating before finding out my machine was actual trash and was not rinsing effectively leaving my clothes smelling musty and becoming dingy. Regardless…this detergent is truly the best I’ve ever used and if your machine is crap there’s no amount of quality detergent that will fix that.
I tried Tide Cold Water pods for the first time. First load- warm water was fine. Second load- left a slimy mess on the rubber border of my front loading machine. Yuk! I’m disappointed!
I bought this item and on the first use it irritated my skin and did not get stains off my clothes.
I fell in love with this detergent the first time I used it, for it was the first time I finally had clean clothes coming out of my washer after too many failed attempts with other brands, which unfortunately is mainly due to an expensive yet inefficient washing machine. I have purchased this product a handful of times and literally every other bottle (sometimes when purchased same store same day), I receive the “thin, green, separated” liquid mentioned in a multitude of other reviews, and I don’t care what Tide keeps telling us, IT IS NOT THE SAME! I have MORE problems than with the previous failed detergent brands, and forces me to use 2-3x the amount of water just trying to rinse the dirty water out of my clothes, post-washing. Adding anything other than dark clothing comes out looking worse than before washing, and I have done half a dozen tests using the original blue liquid, and separate cycle using the defected, always with the same colors, fabric type, and soil levels. Every time, the blue comes out perfect, cleaner than I’ve seen my clothes in years, smelling fresh but not fragranced, and no white residues or dirty looking clothes and water is crystal clear during 2nd rinse cycle. The green liquid is the exact opposite. All clothes come out looking worse than before washing, always tons of white residue left that barely comes off with 2nd and 3rd rinse cycles, and the water always turns cloudy and extremely dirty, even though it had just been “washed”. Tide needs to stop lying because I know enough about chemistry to know when the color and entire consistency of a product changes that much, so does the functionality of it. If you add one to the other to mix, they won’t even combine like it would if it was just a difference in color, and no amount of mixing will create a uniform consistency. I honestly thought the first time it happened that I had poured a different detergent by mistake into the Tide bottle because it was that much different. Get your act together, Tide, own up to the mistake, find the solution, and TAKE CARE OF IT! Otherwise, I (and many others), will be boycotting the detergent and most likely Tide altogether if a company this big deflects and denies obvious problems instead of handling the quality of their products
Like everyone else has complained about the smell, color, cleaning ability, the thickness of the liquid and price - I agree. I also noticed that the new lid is larger in diameter so the measurement for a load requires additional liquid so the number of loads per bottle is a question in my mind. Please go back to the original formula that was better in ALL ways.
Another Nana here that has used Coldwater Clean for all my laundry! Do NOT care for the green color - the blue kept my whites and light colors bright! PLEASE bring back the old formula!!!!!
This Coldwater whatever it is I can’t stand it . It is way too strong . I break out in hives if I use anything but the original and I can’t find it . Time to shop around .
My family have use only Tide products since early 1950’s. I switched to Cold Water Tide with excellent results for years. Your new light green formula Cold Water Tide in the same container does NOT clean the clothes. I am seriously considering switching to an inferior product that is going to give me the same results but at a more economical price. I do not want “ marketing nonsense”, I want clean clothes. Please bring back your original formula.
I agree with the other reviews. My previous bottle had bright blue liquid, and the new bottle is yellowish green in color and does not smell as good. If the formula has not changed, what happened???
Tide has been my laundry detergent for over 30years. I use original, cold water and bleach alternative. I too thought maybe my washing machine but no - same results so I bought new washer. It’s been a year now and my clothes are still not getting as clean as they use to be. I’m ok with the scents but please give me my old Tide back!!
Been using Coldwater Tide for years, BUT something changed! The last 4 bottles have been swirly green
I have used Tide Coldwater Clean for years. Liquid in new bottle is green and more runny. First I thought it was spoiled, but I guess Tide changed the formula. Will be looking for a new detergent.
I totally agree with Teejee.. I've used tide coldwater for years. Definitely see a change in the last few bottles. Color change and fragrance is not as prevalent. Now it's even hard to find it in local stores. Please change it back so I'm not searching for a new laundry detergent.
I've used Tide Coldwater Original for years and have been pleased until the last two jugs. I don't know what has changed but something has. It no longer smells good, it seems more watery, and my clothes are not getting as clean as before. I hate it; I am going to have to change, either another formula of Tide or another brand all together. So sad.
We recently purchased Cold Water Tide. Although both had identical packaging, the color of the product was blue and the next green. Any insight about the difference? Are they different formulas being sold by different retail businesses with the same packaging?
I have been using Tide for over 50 years. My mom used Tide when I was growing up. This product does not remove simple garden dirt and does nothing for stains that have been pre treated. I thought perhaps that it was my very old machine, but now have a new samsung and there is no change. When did detergent makers decide to remove all refreshing scents from the detergent and then expect users to purchase bottled scent crystals ($10.00) to add to your laundry. Stop the greed and go back to fresh smelling detergent. Looking for a new detergent for first time in 50 years.
Bring back the Coldwater Tide. It saved me a lot of money through the year. With the price of everything going up, Tide has now contributed to the rising prices. Hot water and warm water washes cost more money!
Like others I've been very disappointed I can't find this on any stores near me anymore. I see some people complained but it worked fine for me for years and like others on here this was my favorite Tide product.
I tried using this on a baby onesie that got baby poo on it. It did not clean well. I tried it again with hot water and it did clean the onesie completely. My conclusion is that Tide does not really work well in cold water. I have to wonder what invisible stuff is still in the clothes cleaned in cold water. I wouldn't chance it.
Stains do not come out and clothes do not smell fresh. I know Tide is about to blame the washer, but Tide with Oxy works so much better. Even Tide Simply makes the clothes smell clean! Same washer so obviously the product is the problem. Definitely not worth the price. I'll still with the Tides that do the job.
Been looking to restock......REALLY DISCONTINUED???? Why? Anyone know of other brands for cold water wash?
Great scent, clothes always come out clean and smelling fresh. Doesn't matter how dirty or how old the stain is, it will always come out clean.
I cold wash everything I own except for towels and sheets, and this stuff is totally the bomb for it. Works great, smells great, works great.
This product works great in cold water just as it says. Easy to handle size. I recommend it to all.
Please bring this product back. I’ve never liked Tide until someone told me about cold water tide and now I can no longer get it. Very disappointed.
Would someone there please tell me why you discontinued Tide Coldwater? Who in your corporate office would make such an ignorant decision? This product was known to be one of your best, so why do away with makes no sense! Don't you think you owe your customers an explanation?
I religiously buy only tide product. I have for years. However, I have washed numerous loads now in the coldwater clean and nothing smells clean. It smells like it’s never been washed at all. The same odor that goes in is still there when it comes out of the wash.
My tap water ( well water) is extremely cold will this new cold water formula work ?
Original doesn't work for me. Will there ever be more scents like "fresh scent"? Sure miss the old days. Must not have been a big seller.
Tide Coldwater I believe is being discontinued. Of 6 major retailers I shop Meijer is the only that carried it and now three of their stores we go to don't carry it anymore. This is something that should be shown on the website- discontinued! My wife really liked this product too, it's all she would use.
I’m a little sensitive to scents, and after almost 20 years of use I had to give up on the “Original”when P
Cleans well but it smells like a chemical factory. Even worse than Gain. I don't need the scent of my clothes to proceed me 10 feet into the room. Also proven that cold water does not remove bacteria
I wouldn't use anything other than TIDE COLDWATER. Please do not discontinue and make more available in stores.
I have used this for years. Please bring it back!
Cold Water Clean is your very best product. Please do NOT discontinue it! You have a corner on the market and everything. This isn't a lost leader. It is the best and we need it. Please, please, please do not discontinue Cold Water Clean.
I won’t use any other laundry detergent, Tide gets the job done! I like that they have a cold water formula which breaks down easier in cold water washes. I use this when washing jeans, dress pants and more. Gentle on clothes and had a great scent.
This product is great at everything very clean and smelling great, all while using just cold water, which is better for the bills and the environment
Love this detergent. Smells nice and gets out most of the spills my kids have on their clothes without having to pre treat all while using cold water which helps the clothes last longer. Only use hot water on linens and undergarments most of the time now.
My one and only laundry detergent that I use. You cannot beat the value and price. Cleanse is amazingly I love the long lasting sent that it leaves on your clothes
It gets my clothes clean using the cold water setting and keeps my colors in tact and my clothing from shrinking with the same tide smell you know and love. This is the only kind we buy
I use cold water while washing clothes to save on energy. I love that Tide has a coldwater detergent option. The price is fair especially if you by in bulk.
Our family just loves this laundry detergent! It does a thorough job of cleaning and leaves our clothes smelling so fresh and clean! We highly recommend this laundry detergent! Great product and good value!
I love the cold water version of Tide and prefer to wash my clothes in cold water. It saves energy and my clothes. But this is getting harder to find in stores. I cannot find the large size anywhere and, increasingly, I cannot find the standard size. Is it being discontinued? Hope this stays on store shelves.
Why, Why Why are you discontinuing the best laundry detergent available? All reviews list Coldwater Tide as THE BEST detergent over every other detergent. Why then, would you discontinue your best product? I'm at a loss for an answer.
Great Tide quality as usual. I didn’t notice my clothes being any cleaner than usual as I always use cold water. The smell is fresh and clean. Not my favorite Tide product but still good.
For over a decade, and long before there were HE washers, I thought there was only one true detergent, and that was Tide with Bleach. I may have tried others brands, but always returned to Tide with Bleach. Until it was discontinued. Then, I was lost. I turned to Arm and Hammer as a runner up. Then, I bought a new washer and dryer, probably because, I renovated my family room and the laundry room. And the new HE washers were so beautiful, I had to have them in my life. Well, the beautiful and fancy washer with all the washing options.... 3 months later, the novelty of the beauty and the sophisticated options wore off. Is it my imagination, or are my husbands white tee shirts looking dingy/grayish? Is it the new lighting in the laundry room or are my eyes aging? Well, maybe, that slight odor, I’m picking up is part of my imagination too. Well, the lighting in my bedroom has not changed, and the once white tee shirts are still dingy and gray. But, when my husband said are these clean? That was confirmation, that I had a problem. So, not wanting to believe, there was a problem with my fancy HE washer, I decided to compare the just washed white tee shirts, to some old ones in the bottom of the drawer, that haven’t been in rotation for awhile. Yep, I was right, this is gray! So, I went on a hunt to find the best detergent for my fancy HE washer, that I can’t tell my husband, is a piece of junk after spending a fortune on it. I fell in love with Perasil. The tee shirts are looking whiter, and smelling fresher, but still slightly gray. My hunt continues, as Tide has been my friend for over a decade, and I know Tide with Bleach is obsolete and I tried the Bleach alternative, but it did not impress me. And, now for some reason, the hot water in my Fancy HE washer is not working for some reason. I’m getting error codes, and I’m too busy to figure it out, the cold water is working without error codes. And my research says, Tide Coldwater is excellent! I bought it and gave it a try. Is it my imagination? Let’s take this dingy/grayish tee shirt out into the sun, yep it’s gray, and the old one in the drawer is white And the gray one washed in the New Tide Coldwater is whiter than the dingy gray one. So, I tricked the fancy HE machine into soaking the dingy and grayed Tee shirts overnight with The New Tide Coldwater detergent. Let’s just say, I still haven’t taken the time to see why the hot water doesn’t load in my fancy HE washer, and it’s been 2 years now. My husband old and new tee shirts are all white and smell so fresh! Thank you Tide, please don’t discontinue the Coldwater... as it is, it’s really hard to find....But, it’s a true gem!
For over a decade, and long before there were HE washers, I thought there was only one true detergent, and that was Tide with Bleach. I may have tried others brands, but always returned to Tide with Bleach. Until it was discontinued. Then, I was lost. I turned to Arm and Hammer as a runner up. Then, I bought a new washer and dryer, probably because, I renovated my family room and the laundry room. And the new HE washers were so beautiful, I had to have them in my life. Well, the beautiful and fancy washer with all the washing options.... 3 months later, the novelty of the beauty and the sophisticated options wore off. Is it my imagination, or are my husbands white tee shirts looking dingy/grayish? Is it the new lighting in the laundry room or are my eyes aging? Well, maybe, that slight odor, I’m picking up is part of my imagination too. Well, the lighting in my bedroom has not changed, and the once white tee shirts are still dingy and gray. But, when my husband said are these clean? That was confirmation, that I had a problem. So, not wanting to believe, there was a problem with my fancy HE washer, I decided to compare the just washed white tee shirts, to some old ones in the bottom of the drawer, that haven’t been in rotation for awhile. Yep, I was right, this is gray! So, I went on a hunt to find the best detergent for my fancy HE washer, that I can’t tell my husband, is a piece of junk after spending a fortune on it. I fell in love with Perasil. The tee shirts are looking whiter, and smelling fresher, but still slightly gray. My hunt continues, as Tide has been my friend for over a decade, and I know Tide with Bleach is obsolete and I tried the Bleach alternative, but it did not impress me. And, now for some reason, the hot water in my Fancy HE washer is not working for some reason. I’m getting error codes, and I’m too busy to figure it out, the cold water is working without error codes. And my research says, Tide Coldwater is excellent! I bought it and gave it a try. Is it my imagination? Let’s take this dingy/grayish tee shirt out into the sun, yep it’s gray, and the old one in the drawer is white And the gray one washed in the New Tide Coldwater is whiter than the dingy gray one. So, I tricked the fancy HE machine into soaking the dingy and grayed Tee shirts overnight with The New Tide Coldwater detergent. Let’s just say, I still haven’t taken the time to see why the hot water doesn’t load in my fancy HE washer, and it’s been 2 years now. My husband old and new tee shirts are all white and smell so fresh! Thank you Tide, please don’t discontinue the Coldwater... as it is, it’s really hard to find....But, it’s a true gem!
DOES NOT REMOVE STAINS & EVERYDAY ODORS. Loyal lifetime user but with changes every few years to fragrance and quality I no longer trust this brand. I've moved on to a nonP&G brand.
I love this product but I can no longer find it which is very very disappointing.please tell me where this is available.
Great product and thank y’all for the app brand and dedicated team to keeping this products a happy household name to trust
Please do not discontinue the Cold Water Tide in the small-ish bottle. I need it for my delicate items and could not possibly handle the huge bottle.
I have many things that can not be washed in warm or hot water. This is by far the best detergent for cold water I have used. I really hope this will not be discontinued. Great product.
I use this in my Speed Queen washer with the Normal Eco cycle that has the cold wash. It works well but is suds too much; especially during the spray rinse.
They changed the scent. Now it smells icky like so many of the other scented liquid versions. Have to find a new liquid brand. This was the last scented liquid by tide I could use.
I loved that scent! But I can't find it anymore. Please reconsider bringing it back!
I buy this product because my clothes is more clean and smell more good i love tide
This is the only detergent I found that will get makeup out of washcloths! It works great on everything else too! I highly recommend this laundry detergent.
Please bring back the coldwater fresh scent in the smaller bottles i have to purchsse the huge tide coldwater just to get that detergent i personally love that product!!
one day I was low on money and I found this for a cheap price and I decided to try it. i couldn't believe how great it was. I just wish I could get a big gallon of this that would help me out a lot.
Bcuz of this product I'm able to use the coldwater cycles more often. I'm using this one the most with great results!
Best washing detergent ever! I've used lots of other laundry detergents. Nothing compares to the "Tide"! Hey what can I say; here in Bama we roll with the "Tide"!
Exactly like the really old Tide Original scent. Unfortunately this one's scent is changing again :(
This product works great using cold water, clothes are always clean and smell fresh.
I am dismayed to find no coldwater detergents w/o fragrance. Prior to buying, I only used he unscented detergent. I am undecided whether I will repurchase. Please add free&clear to the line.
the new scent is artificial and off-putting. the cap leaks and spills down the side of the container which it never did before. i like how the product works and that it for cold water.
Every place I have gone in my area, doesn't smell like it used to! Please tell me if you have changed it, or if the wrong product is in the wrong bottle!
This Product is exactly what I needed!This Product is exactly what I needed!This Product is exactly what I needed!This Product is exactly what I needed!
Love tide used all my life raised my children on it over 40 years
Last week my wife and I did a load of whites and noticed purple splotches all over our white clothing. We were totally perplexed as to what had happened since we couldn't find the culprit colored item. We were upset but figured it was an anomaly. This morning we took another load of whites out of the washer and realized there were purple splotches all over them as well! We had only pure white shirts in there so we're sure it's not due to transfer. Both my wife and I have been using only Tide brands since we were little kids so this was completely unexpected. We've been trying to find a solution online and so far nothing has helped. We're soaking the clothes in the tub overnight with another product in hopes of at least salvaging this load of clothes but we're just so disappointed that another load has been ruined! :(
PLEASE bring back the Downy Mountain Spring dryer sheets so my laundry "smell" will match again!!!! I do not like either of the two scents now available, April Fresh or the Clean Breeze, if I remember those two correctly. Again, MOUNTAIN SPRING DOWNY SHEETS, please return to our store shelves!!!
this works the best I've been using for 17 years and my parent's been using for 40 years
I love tide cold water it makes my laundry clean and takes out tough stains and smells great!
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