Dermatologist Recommended
HE Turbo technology
Specially designed for regular and high efficiency machines – #1 recommended by washing machine manufacturers*
Free of Dyes and Perfumes
Tide Free and Gentle HE Turbo Powder Laundry Detergent provides a great clean that's gentle on skin. It's a dermatologically-recommended detergent for your sensitive skin that is formulated without dyes and perfumes. It’s been specially formulated with HE Turbo technology. That’s why it’s the #1 recommended detergent by washing machine manufacturers*.
*Based on co-marketing agreements
Measure with scoop.
For medium loads, fill to bar 1.
For large loads, fill to bar 3.
For he full loads, fill to bar 5.
Start washer, add detergent, then add clothes.
Overall Review
As a soon to be mother I’d really like to see this product brought back to use for me and my family, as it has the safest ingredients of products you offer (and other competitor brands) as well as the best cleaning power. I understand there are many factors involved in discontinuation of products, but I can guarantee if it’s brought back consumption will not be an issue! Please listen to consumers!
This is the best conventional laundry soap I’ve used. I don’t understand why it would be discontinued with all the amazing reviews and disappointed people
I relied on this powder detergent to clean my cloth diapers! Now that I am I having my 2nd baby I looked for this and alas I find out it has been discontinued. I’ve never been so disappointed that a product is no longer available.
I've used this free and gentle powder for years and started to notice the availability was becoming more sporadic and now for a couple of years completely absent. I won't pay $125 for a box, so I ask, Please bring this back to the retailers. The product works fantastic and being free and clear is so much better for the skin. I won't use liquid detergent or pods for a few reasons, it's not good for the environment but also not good for my washing machine.
Please bring this back! It is essential for the health of my family. We began using the liquid detergent when the powder became unavailable. My children and I have eczema and notice a difference with the switch to liquid detergent. I do not trust the products on Amazon like I loved and trusted this brand for my whole life. Please. Please! We are all begging you. Bring this back. There is not a trusted retailer or product like powder Tide Free and Gentle!!!!!
I don’t want my clothes to smell like the detergent. Lots of people, including my sister, can’t be around artificial smells. I don’t even understand the point of it. Keep it simple. We now know over processed foods are toxic, so tone it DOWN. People don’t want all these extra chemicals. I’m disappointed to have to switch to another brand I know won’t clean as effectively.
I have relied on this product for DECADES to safely clean my laundry for a family with sensitive skin. And you DISCONTINUED IT?!?!? WHAT?!?!? I also don't like having to buy detergent in a plastic jug or, even worse, "pods." I'm not a criminal. I pay for what I use. If distribution and store crime is the problem, work out an alternative! I would happily purchase online. Bring back this product.
I agree with all that has Bern written on the discontinuance of this product. Please bring it back!!!
Please bring this back!!!! Why did you discontinue this???? I used this powder detergent, not only for laundry, but for cleaning my home. And for stripping my clothing. Liquid detergents are too concentrated and I can't use them for in home cleaning or laundry stripping. I also do not use scented products, so the regular powdered detergent is off the table for me.
Please bring this product back. Will not use your free and clear liquid or pods as they are in no way comparable. In a world where plastics should be used less, why would you disconitnue a powder produce in a cardboard box????
This was our favorite for cloth diapering and haven’t been able to find a quality replacement since!!
Why oh why take away a perfect product? Powder is really a good option. Hate pods (more plastic in the water) will not use them! JUST BRING BACK WHAT WORKS PLEASE!
We LOVED this powdered free and clear detergent. My whole family has terrible allergies and not only did it not cause a reaction our clothes were CLEAN. I’ve tried several of your other products and none work nearly as well as this and we have allergic reactions to all of them. I echo the others on this site. PLEASE BRJNG THIS PRODUCT BACK
Please bring this back it’s everything I need. Effective cleaning, plastic free product and packaging..
I am unable to find this product. It was the BEST! Easy on the skin, and did not aggravate allergies with perfumes. AND not in one of those stupid plastic jugs - which I will not purchase.
With all the news about plastic pollution, why are manufacturers going more and more to plastic containers?
Please make the powder version again. I used this for all my laundry and now have to use multiple brands and detergents.
"The Tide Team: Please know decisions to discontinue products are thought out very carefully. Consumer purchasing patterns and ongoing consumer research are taken into consideration when making such important decisions. We always want to bring you the latest innovations, and sometimes this means we have to say goodbye to older or favorite products, especially if demand isn’t high enough to keep making them. In place of this product, we suggest you try the PODS or Liquid versions of Free
We loved the powered detergent. It's the only one we can use. Already tried using the pods, they are bad, clothes don't seem clean then we switched to the liquid container and that is just the same, my clothes smell ruined. Just bring the powered back, seems like society wants the same. Especially the people like myself that really care. Just in my town the powered free and clear was hard to keep on the shelf. That has to say something. Please!! Do something. Thank you.
I absolutely can't stand the feel of pods! And I don't like using stuff in plastic bottles. I can find Tide in boxes but not the Free and Gentle.l This is the only stuff that won't hurt our skin. Can't you just keep on making it? Hate to switch brands, but will if I must.
The powdered detergent didn't contain the above ingredient which I am allergic. American contact dermatitis society lists propylene glycol as a top allergen. Why would you have to include it in your free and gentle pods and liquid? Please bring me back my favorite powder.
This is a great product! We have sensitive skin, and have an HE washer so this product is perfect for us. Please bring it back.
The liquid and the pods simply do not work well, no matter what method I use. This was the best detergent on the market!
I love all of the tide products and he’s been for years, but my autistic son is having really bad reactions now to the scent so we switched to the free and clear. Wanting to avoid the pods and all of the plastic jugs I wanted to move to the powder that comes in a box and I know that it does exceptional and it’s gotten very good reviews and it’s the only thing that my son doesn’t have a reaction to. Please bring back the free clear or the free and gentle powder.
Please bring this back! Between my husband’s gross gym clothes, my fragrance sensitivity, and our baby’s various icks this was the only detergent that would work for all of us. Liquid doesn’t get things nearly as clean and our clothes feel and smell funky, and all of your other powders smell way too strong and chemically to use. I’ve had to find alternatives for each member of the family. This was so much easier.
I love your Tide Free and Gentle powder but all of a sudden am having trouble finding it. Reading the other reviews it sounds like you’ve discontinued it, I am adding my request to all the others to bring it back. It is rated the least toxic for human and environment of all your products on EWG and also agree with the other reviewers I will have to switch to another brand until you bring it back.
Please bring back the powdered unscented version, we tried the pods and really do not love the performance of them. I am switching to another brand until tide free and clear powder is back!
I just read an article announcing the release of Tide laundry sheets this year
Please bring back the powdered unscented version, we tried the pods and really do not love the performance of them. I am switching to another brand until tide free and clear powder is back!
Being this product back. I will not be using your brand until you do so.
I only discovered this version of Tide recently, as I've been trying to use earth-friendly brands for many years. But even most of those are encased in way too much plastic. (I commend P
Please bring back the Tide Free and Gentle Powder Laundry Detergent - I will never use another Tide product until you bring it back.
Please bring this item back! For those of us that want a green alternative to sticky plastic bottles this is the best!
This was by far the best laundry detergent and I am SO MAD they have discontinued! How is it that Tide has no other similar option to replace it with (or. free of dyes and fragrance, AND POWDER!)? I called the company and the representative was less than helpful (not her fault). Will NOT be buying any other Tide products as a replacement, PLEASE PLEASE BRING THIS PRODUCT BACK!! In the meantime, will be doing research on other brands...
Please bring back the free and gentle powder. Works better than the liquid. I don't like plastic bottles. It cleans clothes better. Tried all powder still prefer tide have used it for over 20 years. Or bring back tide original powder with the light fragrance after you added the blue crystals. The smell to strong. I am allergic to strong smells.
Loved this product. Will not use your liquid in a large plastic bottle or the pods that are covered in plastic. Currently using another product till you bring powder back.
Adding our comments to others with the same request; please bring back the Tide Free and Gentle Powder. It cleans better than the liquid (when adding bleach it turns yellow) and better than the pods (they leave a residue that required additional rinsing). It is one of the few products that dont trigger psoriasis breakouts. Thank you for listening. Please stay safe everyone.
Our family used this for years and it's one of the best ones for stains without dyes, perfumes, etc. Now we have no choice but to buy a product that doesn't work as well for us and fills our bins with plastic. Would really love to be able to get unscented powder again!
This is the only detergent I used for years and really miss it. I had to switch to another brand because I will only use powder free of dyes and perfumes. Please bring this product back!
Please bring back the free and clear powder. This is the only detergent my kids tolerate (sensitive skin).
For those of us looking for environmentally responsible, effective, hypoallergenic detergents - this one was the best option. Please bring it back! We use it in our own family and I recommend it to patients all the time. Clearly there is a ton of demand for this product - why the discontinuation? I think more and more people are finally realizing that liquid detergents in giant plastic jugs are an easy swap for a more environmentally friendly option so it seems like such an odd time to get rid of this product.
Please bring this back. Like all the other reviews say this was the best. Works much better than liquid detergent and more cost effective.
Hate the liquids. I refuse to pay for water thickeners in my detergents and I hate the plastic bottles. The liquid detergent doesn't work as well as the powder and it doesn't work for cleaning either. I can't handle the scent of regular tide and no other company makes powder in a cardboard box. Please bring back the powder. It has been harder and harder to find over the past few years, and now I learn it's gone altogether. Your market research of purchasing trends is wrong. We want the powder back and the option for CHOICE. of course the pods and liquid purchases go up when stores stop stocking the powder.
I have used Tide powder free and gentle for decades!!! My dermatologist recommended it years ago. Please bring it back for all of us who are allergic to scents and everything else found it other detergents, liquid or powder. Please!
For years I've always used tide original when you added those blue crystals in there the scent was very strong.I'm highly sensitive to strong smells. I loved to use the tide free and gentle as I prefer powder over liquid and was very sad when you discontinued this item it worked very good to clean my clothes no strong perfumes.PLEASE bring tide free and gentle back. I am sure there are thousands of millions of others worldwide who love your product and would prefer free and gentle I don't understand why they have to put so many strong perfumes in all the soaps for those who are very sensitive and can't be around smells We have to think of others and their health not just trying to make a product smell good.
I used this so successfully for my daughter who has eczema and my washing machine repair guy strongly recommended powder. Please bring it back. This is so disappointing.
Please bring back the Tide free and gentle powder in a cardboard box. I'm agreeing with other people who have left feedback. I do not like scents, not healthy to breath in chemicals. I also care about the environment, stop all the plastics! I love the cardboard box that easily recycles. I switched to All free and clear a while back, but now I cannot find their product in the cardboard box either. Please listen to your customers and bring Tide free
The powder version is superior to both the gel and pods. It’s disgusting that a company would discontinue a product that works so well for people with issues (sensitive skin, eczema, etc) rather than loss out on a tiny portion of their huge profits that only benefit shareholders. I’ll find a different company who cares more about their customer base then their bottom line.
Is the corporation not making enough money that you need to hose consumers by ridding the market of a more economical and environmentally friendly (relatively speaking) product? So disappointing.
I won’t use pods and I don’t like liquid laundry detergent. Please bring back the tide free
I loved this product, from the scent free formulation to the cardboard packaging. The only improvement would be making it available in a larger box. I’ve gone back to the liquid, but I hate the plastic packaging. Tide Free powder was a smart move. Taking it off the market was not.
Please bring this back! Liquid detergent clog pipes and pods cause machines to break. Powdered detergent is far more superior. This was the only detergent that didn’t irritate my skin or senses! Discontinuing this has to be the DUMBEST mistake ever made!
We loved this detergent and were faithful customers for many years. Why do good things always have to be messed with? Look at all these reviews and accept the mistake you made in cancelling production of this variation. It was truly the best. We tried your Tide Plus Ultra Oxi as a replacement and it's nowhere near as good. It also gave us all headaches due to the overwhelming scent. Again, I please beseech Procter and Gamble to please correct the misstep and bring back Tide Free and Gentle Powder. Thank you for listening to your customers.
A great product, so naturally you get rid of it, so you can force customers to use overpriced, messy liquids and pods instead! Why? Because those who use powder can far more easily control the quantity used per load---instead of being forced to go with pre-measured pods or difficult-to-measure pouring containers. The result? People have to use a lot more of the product than necessary, thereby boosting your profits. And all you give in return is a canned,"Oh we're so sorry to have disappointed you" response. No you're not. You're not the least bit sorry!
This is a great product for those of us dealing with allergies or other skin conditions and who also care about the environment and ease of use. It is powder in a cardboard box. What could be easier and better for the planet. We hear so much about plastic waste and scientists are finding plastic in our bodies. Why would you get rid of a product that comes in a recyclable cardboard box? And for those who have to haul their laundry to a laundromat, powder is best. If it spills in your car, you vacuum it up. You're not dealing with a liquid that just keeps sudsing and spreading, or pods that soften in the heat or can burst. I personally have to avoid anything with scent because of my allergies. This product was one of the few I could count on not to aggravate them. Yes, I would recommend it...BUT YOU DON'T MAKE IT ANYMORE! Bring it back!
Please bring back the free and gentle POWDER Tide detergent. I am unable to use scented detergents, and the liquids are destroying our washing machines (per many reputable repairmen). Consider it. Seeing all these comments, there appears to be a market for it.
It is so disappointing that this great product has been discontinued. It was the best laundry detergent, especially for sensitive skin, workout clothes, diapers, and all other types of laundry! I wonder if marketing needs to step up their game to know why unscented powder detergent is the best product for many types of laundry! At least bring it back as mail order or in some capacity. I guess I will have to switch to another brand of detergent!
We cloth diaper our boys and this powder is the only thing that gets them clean without leaving residue or costing a fortune!! Liquid detergents “clog up” the cloth diaper fibers, so please please please bring it back!
It’s was soooo nice it had this great neutral smell that blended perfectly with my perfume and yet I just can’t get enough of it it leaves my skin felling so soft yet clean and not sticky like sticking to skin
I had to leave one star for a 5 star product because it’s been discontinued. Dear Tide, please bring this formula back! I’ve been a loyal customer for YEARS and this was the only laundry detergent I would buy that worked great for our clothes, sensitive skin, and environment. What a huge win for our family, health, and environment! The liquid and pods versions are inferior to the excellence of the powder formula. Please bring this back!
As others have said - this is a superior product to it's liquid counterpart. AND - it came in a recyclable cardboard box!!! I miss this product so much!!!!!
You recommend the liquid as a substitute for the discontinued powder, but the liquid comes in a big plastic jug. Would much prefer to have the powder, which we like much better, and which allows us to avoid purchasing more plastic…over and over and over.
It is a great product and I love that it is not stored in plastic. Your powder products stored in cardboard should be the standard. Please bring this product back!
I remember 3 generations in my family using Tide powder with great results. Please bring it back for the sake of our environment.
Really missing tide free powder. I liked it so much more than the liquid and I can't stand the pods. Bring it back
Really missing this excellent product. Clothes got clean with it. Liked that it didn't have all kinds of added scents like other products. Also loved that it was a powder in a paper box instead of horribly messy liquids. Hate the Tide liquids in thick plastic containers and the messy liquids. Also don't like pods. Please bring back Tide Free and Gentle Powder Laundry Detergent. Used it for many decades. Liked it lots. Nothing else available like it. Could it be made available to buy directly from P
Cannot find in my local store. Found on Amazon for almost SIX times the price per load over liquid. Are you kidding? Very disappointed and can no longer afford.
We love this detergent for sensitive skin. It works so well for our cloth diapers too. Please make it available again!
Need this product for my allergies! Please bring back! The powder is the best for cleaning and my skin
I need the power of a powder detergent for sensitive skin!
Tide free and clear works so much better than any of the alternative options out there especially for cloth diapers. Please bring this back for the families that need scent free options.
On behalf of all cloth diapering families, please please bring this back. This is the top detergent many of us use and we wash a LOT of laundry. Bring it back!
I love Tide powder but I cannot use it with fragrances. Please bring this back.
I came here to see where else I could buy the Free
Don’t know why it’s disappeared. Do not want added bleach or softners. Been using it for years. Please, please bring it back
I love this product, the effectiveness of it and the packaging. It is the only detergent that doesn’t irritate my son’s skin. Please bring it back.
This is a great product, and what a disappointment you've discontinued it. What a disservice to us who need scent free detergent to clean our clothing and our homes. The powder product is much better and versatile than the pods. Please reconsider!
A low plastic option that cleans tough stains without irritating my sensitive skin or fading my clothing. PLEASE BRING IT BACK! There are no other options.
What the!? Just went to reorder my favorite detergent on Amazon to discover it isn’t available any more. Why!? This one is so much better and cleaner than using liquid detergents and was great for my kids eczema prone skin. Anyone have any good free and clear POWDER alternatives to this? Recommendations please….so sad.
When I was growing up we ALWAYS had powder detergent. It worked great. A few years ago I was please to find Free
It was better than all and did not irritate my skin. Plus the box paper packaging let me avoid plastic. Please oh please!
Please bring back Tide Free and Gentle Powder detergent.
I have been buying this since it first came available. I will not buy a plastic jug filled with water. Please return this product to the shelves or you’ve definitely lost me as a customer.
This is the only detergent I have been buying for many years. Nothing else worked better for me, and any detergent with a scent does not work at all. PLEASE bring it back!!
This was unquestionably a great product - the only free and gentle powder that actually did a great job. The "All" and "Arm
This is so much better than the liquid version. Please bring it back.
As more and more communities and individuals try to phase out single-use plastics, powdered detergent will resurge. IF it is there in the store ready to buy. Sit out the last days of plastic, but be ready to step in with a product already on the market and on the shelves. I can't use your insanely strong scented powder. You really can't keep this on the market? Oh, well over to All brand.
My son has reacted to your other scented products, your liquids don't work as well, and this was better for the environment. Please bring it back.
I have always been a Tide powder user, but my wife did/does not like the fragrance versions you have. When she found this product it was perfect for both us and like many people have stated we purchased consistently for YEARS. Over the past few years it became harder and harder to find, until we could not find at all. We now we realize from this site that at some point last year it was discontinued It is hard to understand as mentioned by the Tide team below (6/2023 comment) that the product was discontinued because demand was low, given how many people state this is the best product out there that they used constantly. I realize the liquid and pods are still available, but as many note we hate the plastic containers, difficulty using liquids with our excellent HE front loader, the significant drop off in cleaning ability with liquid/pods, etc. Thus, as many have stated, please again provide the option of Tide Free and Gentle Powder to your consumers! I can guarantee you if people can find at the store, it will sell close to if not better than your other versions of Tide.
I am so devastated this product has been discontinued! I hate using so many plastic jugs and the pods are so expensive. I trust my clothes are clean, and I don't have to worry about my family's sensitive skin being irritated. Please put this product back on the shelves!
This is the only detergent I am able to use. I am getting reactions from your liquid and pods so that doesn't make them free
Powdered detergent cleans better than liquid. This is the only detergent that doesn’t bother my allergies. The liquid version leaves deposits in the washer. I know P
I am devastated this has been discontinued. Between my allergies to some scents, blue dyes, and propylene glycol, this was the only detergent I found that actually cleaned my clothes and towels. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now.
I have always used Tide powder, it’s the best. Hands down, THE BEST. The liquid and the pods are not the same, they just aren’t and everyone knows it. I use Tide powder for laundry, spot treatment on carpet and upholstery, mopping my floors, cleaning molding, you name it, I clean it with Tide powder. We had to switch to Free
Do you recall the worst blunder in consumer product manufacturing/marketing? in the 1980s the Coca-Cola company replaced Coke with New Coke. Consumers were irate, sales declined, and the company rethought their decision. They launched "Classic Coke"- consumers were happy and sales went higher. This is your "Classic Coke" moment. You should reintroduce Tide Powder Free and Clear. Market it as your most environmentally responsible packaging with no water and completely biodegradable packaging. Your existing customers will line up to buy it, and with some good marketing, you may earn a whole new class of "green" consumers. You can probably raise the price a buck or two and make your management and shareholders happy. Consumers win. The Environment wins. Your stock price wins. Plus, no charge for my consulting fee :)
Tide. I'm begging you. Bring. This. Back. As many others have stated, anyone with a resemblance of allergies or skin sensitivity found a holy grail in this product. It was one of the only detergents I actually TRUSTED. The liquid version is ineffective, especially in hard water areas or with a front loader. And it has a terrible ewg rating. The Original powdered tide is so strong in its scent that I had to give my box away. We need our happy safe product back please!
Tide free and gentle powder is the only tide product I can use for my skin. I cannot use the liquid or the pods. Guess I'll be looking for another powdered detergent.
Many, many people are looking to get away from the plastic jugs! Why discontinue a terrific product that truly isn't replaced by anything else offered by Tide? Please bring this back. Simply instruct people with HE machines to put the powder directly into the machine and then add clothes on top.This product works great in ANY temperature water.
So sad this was discounted. This was the only detergent that worked wonders on our cloth diapers and good for babies skin. Now I am still searching for something that works as good. The liquid version of this stuff makes the diapers have the barnyard smell so had to go buy a different brand. PLZ BRING IT BACK!!!!!!!!! You lost a customer!
This is my only detergent and now I can’t find it anywhere unless I pay way more than I can afford,like $75!! What’s up??? O
I had to go online to find out why I can't find any of this in any of my local stores. Only to find out that people are price gouging because it has been discontinued. I am very disapointed, this is the only laundry soap I have been using for over 10yrs. I don't understand. Please bring it back.
This is my all time favorite detergent. As someone with sensitive skin as well as someone who just does not want to pretreat clothes this is the best. I am using the liquid now but it’s just not the same. I told everyone I knew about this detergent it’s so disappointing it’s gone.
Tide free powdered detergent is environmentally perfect~ no plastics, great product, works much better than other brands.. please bring it back.
This was the best laundry detergent for my cloth diapers. I cannot use liquid detergent due to build up, so I’ve had to switch brands. Please bring this product back!!
I had finally found a detergent that works! My clothes didn’t smell anymore and I was ready to purchase again. I am so disappointed that this was discontinued. I tried free and gently pods and not iced a difference right away with clothes not smelling fresh again. I hope all of these reviews convince you to bring it back.
I think you need to rethink your marketing staff. First you change your original formula, so I can no longer use that (allergies). Now you've discontinued your Free And Gentle Powder (or at least made it impossible to find). My family has used Tide for over 3 generations, and now suddenly I find myself looking at other products. I'm tired of playing games, I'm switching brands. Goodbye Tide
I cannot believe I cannot find this anywhere! What do you mean it has been discontinued???!!!! I don't know what I'm going to do. This has been the only thing that I can use due to my allergies- the pods and liquid are not the same!!!!
Why has this been discontinued????!!!! I don’t want liquid. I started buying Amway powder.
I have massive skin issues and this is the one detergent I can safely use. Please sale this in stores again!!!
Please bring it back. I’ve used only this powder detergent for over 20 years. Do not want to switch to liquid detergent. I will need to consider other brands if this doesn’t come back.
I get so upset when companies take a five star product and decide to get rid of it. I get contact dermatitis so easily and this detergent was my holy grail. Well, no more. And I've found nothing to compare it to. Big companies like this need to listen to consumers and do what's right. My whole extended family used this powered detergent because I raved about it. They tried it and loved it too. Now you've disappointed a whole family. Just do the right thing and bring it back!
Please bring back this excellent degergent! It is the best for all skin types and the powder is a life saver. I’ve turned all my friends into shoppers of this detergent and now it’s nearly impossible to find. Please bring this back to stores!
And now I can't find it anywhere. I don't like pods or liquids, and can't find the unscented powder anywhere. It's so nice not having the perfumy smell of original Tide. If I can't find this soon, I'll have to try another brand.
I Can't find another product that cleans like this and is still gentle on skin. When is it coming back?!
Please bring this free and clear powder detergent back!!!!!
The liquid version doesn’t produce soapy waters, powder is always best - please bring this product back!! It’s better for skin/allergy issues! Help!
This was the best detergent free of scent! For a family with skin issues this was our go to. I also Liked the plastic free packaging
Can't believe you discontinued the Free and Gentle powder - my go to laundry detergent for years! I refuse to buy laundry detergent in plastic bottles or boxes with plastic linings and spouts! What happened to your commitment that reads, "We are also committed to helping those in need of clean clothes, while also keeping our impact low and helping the planet?" Whoever in your company is responsible for discontinuing the powder version should take a look at all the reviews on retailer websites (like Kroger) requesting that it be produced again. I also see on your website that of all the Free and Gentle versions, the powder has received the most customer comments along with a high rating. Could it be because that was the best selling version? There's a good chance that those who prefer free and gentle also prefer no plastic.
Please bring back the powder form of your free and gentle. It does work better in the HD machines then the liquids and it doesn't leave behind any of those funky residues. I have been a tide girl most of my life. But I will be changing to another brand if the powder is not available.
We use this for cloth diapers and it’s the only thing I’ve found that efficiently cleans with our soft water and doesn’t give rashes to my kids. Please bring it back!
Cleans well and good EWG Rating. Plus you can use it on cloth diapers. Not many relatively clean options out there so why discontinue?? High ratings too so I just do not understand. Please bring it back.
You people are insane for discontinuing this detergent. My God! Does everything have to be a liquid. Does everthing have to have a scent. NO!!! That's why this detergent was so popular. I remember TIde from 60 years ago and it did not have the horrible smell that the Tide has now. BRING BACK UNSCENTED, POWDER TIDE.
Haven’t been able to get the powder anywhere? Why TIDE?! Why?! Bring it back. ASAP! Please!
Having terrible allergies, this was my go to. I am totally lost. I’m really tired of getting cut out for money and the masses.
Bring it back!!! This product is great for skin and allergy issues. The powder is much better than the liquid. Bring it back!!!
I like to use powdered detergent to decrease my plastic footprint. I need to use unscented bc of sensitivity to the chemicals. But my store stopped carrying this, and I want it back. The pods have microplastics and the sheets might too, plus they leave a residue. Help a girl out!
It was such a great detergent- loved that it was fragrance free! Disappointed that I’d been discontinued
I don’t understand why this was discontinued. Please bring it back!
Please bring back the powder version of the free and clear. This was the best and the only one my family can use. We tried the liquid but it doesn’t work as well. So, we will have to try another brand or make our own. So disappointing that it was discontinued.
I hate using liquid detergent! It's messy and it drips everywhere. Also, I do not like the large plastic bottles and containers liquid soap and pods comes in. I loved that the cardboard box can easily be recycled. I now have a front loading washer and the liquid soap is hard to use. I have loyally used this product for years. Please bring it back!
I have a top loading washer. Please bring back the powder. After using the pods, the shirts still smell like B.O! That’s using 2 pods! Please bring it back!
This is the best detergent for washing cloth diapers and we need it back! The liquid isn’t as effective for cleaning the diapers and can create build up. The original powder is too heavily scented and we don’t want that on our babies skin. Bring the free and gentle powder back!!
Pods and liquid don't clean as well. Your other powder detergents irritate my family members' skin and are overpowering with their scents and dyes. Bring back Free
Hey Tide team, I am super disappointed that your Free and Gentle powder detergent has been discontinued. For many moms around the world, this has been the best detergent option for laundering their family's clothes - especially cloth diapers. Cloth diapering is an amazing way not only to save money, but also to help save the planet. More and more moms are returning to cloth diapers. The thing is, it's very hard to find a detergent that will properly clean cloth diapers - especially one that is gentle and free of harsh chemicals and fragrances. Most moms who are cloth diapering absolutely do not want to use harsh chemicals. The free and gentle liquid detergent is great, and I'm guessing has been advertised as an alternative to the powder, but the liquid doesn't work very well to clean cloth diapers. I'm in a group of 40,000 moms who are very upset about this recent product discontinuation, and that's just the moms who are in the group. There are many more elsewhere who are upset and now have to look into formulating their own alternative product to put on the market, or find another company that is willing to do so. You don't want to mess with moms on a mission! I hope you'll reconsider your decision to discontinue this product.
After so many skin issues with other brands, in addition to liquid clogging up my front loader, I was ECSTATIC to find Tide free and gentle powder. Now it's gone?! PLEASE bring it back!
Why on earth would you discontinue this product????? People who have allergies/sensitivities really depend on this. Liquid detergent is terrible for front loaders. There is no second best, the other unscented and gentle powders do not get clothes clean. You were in a league of your own. You are leaving your loyal customers high and dry. WHY????
Free and Gentle is the only detergent I can find that I like. Hate the plastic bottles so powdered is the version for me. However since it’s been discontinued, when I can find it, F
This product was a staple for Mom's who have allergy kiddos. The pods don't always dissolve and we can't use the liquid in our front loader wash machines. Why on earth would you discontinue this when society is trending towards using more pure, less dyes/scents product lines??? I just don't get this, especially from a marketing perspective.
Great product. Didn’t cause skin issues, no headaches because no scent. And no plastic bottle to “recycle.” Perfection.
I have been using this for years and can't use the original Tide because it leaves a smell on my clothes that gives me migraines. I hate using liquid detergent and was so happy to find this! Why would you discontinue this??? Please please please bring this back!!!
Why would you discontinue something so many people rely so heavily on???? My skin needs this detergent and your liquid version doesn’t even come close to the same results. Actually liquid detergent makes front load washers stink. The minute I switched back to powder, the washer smelled fine again. I usethis product excusively and cannot understand why it is discontinued. PLEASE BRING IT BACK!!
I am so dismayed to learn that this product has been discontinued. The market is completely saturated in liquid detergents that come in plastic bottles. This is one of the only detergents I can use for my sensitive skin, and I refuse to pay for water, which is what liquid detergent is. It's mostly water, which is probably why the powder has been discontinued: making your customers pay more for less product. I really hope you bring this product back.
Everything about this product was amazing, and in a world where everything is plastic, it's amazing to buy something NOT plastic! I'm sick of filling up our landfills with plastic laundry jugs, and my kids and I are allergic to scents in our detergent.
We need a free and gentle powder please. It’s the only detergent that does not give my kids eczema that I’ve found.
Why in the world did you guys stop making this stuff in the first place? It's hands down the best laundry thing I've ever used, especially the powder kind without all the extra smells and junk. My family's got allergies and asthma, and this was a lifesaver. I even took GoCleanCo's advice and used it on my tile floors and walls. I can't stand the liquid version – it just doesn't cut it, plus it's more PLASTIC JUNK in our already messed-up world! If I knew it was gonna disappear, I would've stocked up for a lifetime. PLEASE, pretty please, bring this stuff back!
This was an outstanding product. The best of the dye and scent free detergents. Please bring it back!
Why would you discontinue something so many people rely so heavily on???? My kids skin needs this detergent and your liquid version doesn’t even come close to the same results. Please bring this back
We need fragrance free options in a world full of unnecessary chemical fragrances. Please bring this back to us. Those with allergies are left with few choices. I refuse to use liquid detergents bc of the issue of plastic waste and the mess. A powder in an easily recyclable cardboard container is a much more sustainable option. Bring this product back!
Like all the other positive reviews, this is the only detergent I love and have used for years. It does not irritate my sensitive skin and cleans like no other. I have searched to buy more.
The people have spoken, and now it’s your time to listen. BEING BACK POWDERED FREE AND GENTLE!!!! I can’t use regular Tide due to allergies, but this stuff worked WONDERS. Bring it back!!!!!!!!
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE bring back this wonderful product in a POWDER form....The pods clog my washer and the liquid does not seem to work as well for my family....
This is the only detergent that works for my family. We cloth diaper and my babies have sensitive skin. Tide free and gentle POWDER is the only detergent that gets my clothes and cloth diapers clean and doesn’t irritate my skin or my babies skin. Please please please bring this product back!
This is my only choice for cloth diapers! You have an entire group of mothers who would gladly pay for the markup to have this product available again! Please consider bringing it back! It’s such an excellent product and knowing it does not have refined or dyes give me such peace of mind!
Please bring this product back. It’s the only Tide product that doesn’t have a TERRIBLE rating on the EWG website. All other Tide products contain far worse ingredients, including the liquid version of Free and Gentle. Please bring iback the powder version for the sake of your clientele’s health and the sake of the environment. If not, will no longer use Tide.
Please bring this back!!!!! I like others will have to stop buying Tide and find an alternative dye and perfume free powder. You had a great thing here- don’t toss it. If it is not as profitable - mark it up. We are all willing to pay more for it!
I’ve been searching alllll the (brick and mortar) stores for Tide Free
You are killing the planet with all of the plastic laundry jugs. Please bring this back. Sad to hear it had been discontinued.
This is the only product I can use. I'm allergic to all the other laundry detergent out there even Tide free and gentle liquid and pods PLEASE bring back the powder
I see from prior comments that I am not the only one searching for this (despite your website still saying it is available in stores in my area). This was the only laundry soap I would buy because a) it didn't irritate our skin, b) it was practically free of plastic, and c) it worked well. Now I have to find a different brand because I refuse to go back to plastic bottles. Why aren't companies doing more for the environment in terms of packaging??
Bring this back- there's nothing available on the market that comes close. You say there's no demand BUT THERE CLEARLY IS. PLEASE, BRING THIS BACK
This was a go-to detergent for me for years, and a quick look at the number of requests here to bring it back suggests that I'm not the only one. Liquid or "pod" form products simply don't clean as well as powders, and the scent used in standard Tide powder is overpowering and offensive. Like many other reviewers here, I will be purchasing another brand of unscented powder rather than using an alternative form of Tide, so you've lost a long time customer until you bring back the free and gentle powder.
Echoing the other reviewers- please bring this back!!!!!!
I’ve been using this product essentially my whole life. I react to scents and nothing cleans better, not even the liquid form. Please please bring this back.
Great unscented powder in a cardboard container (no plastic bottles). With the trend to green packaging its odd tide has taken this off the market. All other tide products have annoying scent that permeates the entire house. This is or was great product I can't find anymore.
Why did this disappear from shelves with no notice? This is the only detergent my family can use without having any skin or respiratory reactions. The liquid doesn’t work the same way and destroys my front load machine. Please bring back this detergent.
This is my favorite laundry detergent! I loved the cleaning power and how gentle it really was. I’ve moved to regular, since this one isn’t available anymore, but it’s not the same. My family is sensitive to dye and fragrance, and I do my best to stay away from plastic containers. This was the PERFECT product. . .
Tide has been the go-to detergent for my family for over 30 years. As someone with allergies I can’t handle smelly soaps. Please bring back the powder detergent..
I have switched to plastic free laundry/cleaning options and would always buy this power (as well as the original) and mix them since the regular is too strong for my family. PLEASE bring this back, I have switched to ALL but it is not the same. I refuse to buy PLASTIC jugs. Please consider your footprint.
Can’t handle the strong smell of regular Tide but needed the cleaning power of it and this product was the answer. Unfortunately, I can no longer find it anywhere. 🙁
I along with many others am begging you to bring this back. The liquid version is not the same at all and doesn’t work as well. I am searching high and low for other brands that might compare to the tide free and gentle powder but I am continually disappointed. My kids all have sensitive skin and this powder was amazing for them. I loved that the clothes smelled fresh and not overpowering like the regular tide formula. PLEASE bring it back!
Why oh why have you discontinued this and with no warning? My family depends on this detergent. My washing machine repair man said not to use liquid detergent. I think the powder works better anyway.
Please bring Tide Free Powder back. I prefer scent free over scents, due to my sensitivities. Especially with more people leaning towards more natural products, I would have hoped that this scent-free version would have been more of a staple. I came here to see if I could figure out why I couldn’t find any on the store shelves any more and if I could buy online. If I had known it was going to be discontinued, I would have bought some before running out. Tide/P
And why is your new powder smell so intolerable? I actually only started using Free and Gentle a couple of years ago when the formula changed for your regular powder and it burned my nose from the other side of the house if the laundry room door was open. So I started paying more for the Free and Gentle and now I can't even buy that in a powder. The liquid is worthless. Please please please bring back an unscented (or low, non-offensive) powder.
This is the only laundry detergent I can use without breaking out. I wondered why I couldn’t find it and today I found out why. No other laundry soap cleans like this does, and it’s the only thing in my nearly 50 years that doesn’t cause my skin to break out or my allergies to kick up. What a horrible thing to do to people with health issues that really relied on this.
I loved this detergent. I really dislike the regular scent. I’ve had to switch to another brand. Im always hopeful this will come back.
I LOVED this detergent! I can’t tolerate the fragrance of the regular tide. I’ve had to go to another brand that has a fragrance free powder. I’m always hopeful that this one will come back.
Please stop saying you’re going to bring up to team and just bring back. IMHO, It’s your best laundry product, ever. Absolutely, cleanest results with no allergic reaction during and after use. Thanks for opportunity to give feedback.
This is the only detergent that doesn’t cause my children skin reactions and breathing issues. Please bring it back! My children’s skin is raw from having to find other brands, as they can not have plant based not fragrances, nor liquid with propylene glycol or dyes. I’m not afraid to beg!!